Module 1

Week 01 & 02

Peak Pose

Sequencing & Alignment 05

Inversions do not have to be included in every class, but we Light Warriors enjoy defying gravity, so in this class the peak pose is Headstand. A peak pose could also be an arm balance, hip opener, standing pose, backbend... anything that brings class to a crescendo. Each pose in the sequence leading up to the peak pose is taught in preparation for the peak pose to be achieved with greater stability and ease. 

To keep things simple the set up for headstand is as straightforward as possible. After the students put their knees down, take a moment to deliver a detailed explanation of the set up for Headstand. While Headstand is the most accessible inversion it is also the most dangerous because the whole body’s weight is placed upon the neck. Also give students permission to practice Dolphin pose instead if they feel it is a better choice for them. 

Mr. Iyengar says that if you don’t do a Child’s pose after Headstand you will “go mad.” I kinda like crazy so that could be cool but I still offer Child’s pose after Headstand because it is indeed calming and offers a complimentary neck stretch to Headstand.

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